Thursday, May 20, 2010

Big project, complete!

We finally got the long awaited swing set for the backyard. But oh was it a project. Somehow it was managed to be put together in 1 1/2 days, thanks to the help of our good friend Deanna. While they were building the kids played on the waterslide and then we grilled out.

Oh yes, here is the swing set in all it's pieces. Let's just say it took awhile just to get the pieces organized. Oh and the plastic on the ground is actually multiple bags filled with screws.

Let's get wet!!!

Peyton enjoying the waterslide

The boy loves his boots whether it is raining or not.
Thanks for the shades too Cooper!

Parker with Aidan and Bryce taking a break from the sun. They introduced Parker to Tom and Jerry which he loved. Don't they look sweet.

Yeah!!! It's complete and man is it FUN.


Alison, Chris, Davis and Ryan Cieszko said...

Oh my!!! We are SOOOOO coming down to visit now....Davis to get to play on the swingset with Parker....and Mommy to get to snuggle with Cole. I guess we'll let Daddy and Ryan come, too.

That's one great swingset.

I bet Parker loves it.

Unknown said...

WOW! What a fun day! I know all the hard work paid off when the swingset was put together. How fun! I wish I could have been there to enjoy the water slide, playset and cook out! I love you all!

Anonymous said...

my fingers would get peyton wet and toddler pussyfeels so damn good