Saturday, November 13, 2010

Let's go camping!!!

We've been intending on getting rid of Parker's pacy for the past several months however with all that has gone on in our lives that was quickly put on the back burner. We had a few cute books to help introduce the idea to Parker because even though he only has it at nap and bedtime we knew he really was using it to self calm. In one of the books he was intrigued by a "fall camping trip". We kept telling him that you can't take a pacy camping so when he got rid of it we would go. Well last week we made a pacy box. He decorated it, had one last night with pacy and then the next morning put it in the box and sealed it with his favorite disney characters. They are in charge of taking care of it. And well let's just say that we said bye bye to pacy! Yeah!!! He did great! No screaming just extra tossing and turning in bed before knocking out. Downfall is bye bye pacy = bye bye naps. He can not fall asleep at naps no matter how tired he is. He is required to have down time in his room though.
And we did keep our promise. Last weekend Wally, Parker and I loaded up the camping gear and went camping. Cole got to stay with Nana and Grandad. We had a great time. Parker loved helping put up the tent. We enjoyed roasting hot dogs and marshmellows and just being outside. It was in the 30's that night but we had enough to keep us warm.
We look forward to doing this again soon.

Parker helping put up the tent.
Daddy has such good patience and lets him help as much as possible.

When can we use this?

Peek a boo

Yay camping!

Roasting yummy marshmellows

Night Night


Alison, Chris, Davis and Ryan Cieszko said...

Way too awesome!!!!! That looks like so much fun!!!!