Saturday, September 6, 2008

Beach, beach, we love the beach!

Over labor day we took Parker for another trip to the beach. We have had a lot of fun this summer there and hope the weather stays warm a little while longer so we can pack in a few more trips. He loves all aspects from the water to the sand (thank goodness!) It was gorgeous this weekend and there were quite a few little water pools that Parker loved getting into. He hadn't seen that before.
Parker and one of the water pools. Very fun to splash in and climb in and out of.

Checking out some shells for the bucket. We like to put them in a pail of water so they splash.

Had to get one of these. We never seem to get many mommy shots. Maybe because we are always behind the camera.

Jumping waves with daddy

Parker thought having the waves roll past him while daddy helped him booty surf was pretty fun.

Parker loved the view from up top on the way back to the car.


Alison, Chris, Davis and Ryan Cieszko said...

Great pictures. Those "breakers" look a little big and rough! I bet Parker had a blast. What a handsome fella. Way to go Leah getting your picture in there, too!